Your brief

Your spend must fund continued delivery of Council services that are driven and influenced by the Community Vision, Council Plan 2021-2025 and the Financial Plan 2023–2033 (check these documents in the Resource Materials area).

While delivering the required services and initiatives outlined in these key documents, spend must also achieve against our three key pillars and principles:

Key considerations

Just like the cost of living, there have been significant increases in the costs of service delivery over the last 12 months. Most councils across Victoria are having to do more with less.

We ask you to consider:

  • All money received from rates and government grants must be clearly accounted for.
  • Any financial impact when significantly scaling up or down key service delivery areas.
  • Any rate capping to be announced in late December.
  • Balance between what is appropriate for our community, and what is financially sustainable for Council.
  • Last years budget spend.