Project update

Restorative works begin

Stage one underway

Considerable investment is required to repair and restore the building for community use. As a result works have been scoped in to three key stages, and $279,000 was allocated in the 2022/2023 budget for the first stage.

Stage one will mostly address underlying water issues which have impacted the building structure. These safety remedial works include (but are not limited to):

  • tackling rising damp
  • plumbing works to roof
  • improvements to drainage
  • restoration to exterior brickwork
  • removal of existing flooring.

We will continue to advocate for further investment so that the venue can be used by the community in the future - watch this space for further updates!

Image of former Weslyan Church in Chewton, Victoria

Building condition

Internal photos

Videos of former church

Project background

In late 2021 we asked the community what it thought of our proposal to sell the former Wesleyan Church.

The building located at 205 Main Road Chewton was built in the 1850’s, and was declared unsafe to use in 2010 due to its poor condition.

In 2017, Council resolved to sell the building, however, following advocacy efforts by community members, Councillors determined in 2021 to undertake works to restore the former church.