
Active Transport Strategy adopted by Council in September

31 October 2023

Council adopted the Active Transport Strategy at its ordinary meeting of Council 19 September 2023.

The Strategy sets the direction for Council to partner with the community and other Government agencies and organisations to improve active transport opportunities and outcomes for all residents.

The Strategy builds on the work delivered via the Walking and Cycling Strategy 2010-2020 with a vision to work towards a safe, sustainable, accessible, and connected active transport network to encourage our community to become more active, more often.

The Strategy sets out three key goals which focus on increasing active transport awareness, developing, and delivering safe, connected, and sustainable active transport infrastructure and enhancing community health and wellbeing outcomes through active transport activity.

The strategy ensures the role of active transport within Mount Alexander Shire is considered now, and into the future.

Watch the Shape page for updates as the strategy is implemented.