To enhance this work and draw on the significant knowledge, skills and experience of our community we are establishing a Project Advisory Group.
Expressions of interest are due by Sunday 13 November 2022.

Group role

The PAG will inform and advise on the project and consultation undertaken throughout the project.

Specifically, the objectives and functions of the PAG are to:

  • Assist with research and provide advice on specific heritage matters that support the Castlemaine Heritage Study.
  • Help to identify emerging heritage-related issues that will meaningfully impact the project.
  • Participate in workshops, meetings and other activities that may include research, property identification, etc as required.

For more information view the Project Advisory Group Terms of Reference.

Group members

Key Selection Criteria

We are seeking people who can demonstrate a strong connection to Castlemaine. The connection could be as local residents, or as people who are active in the community either through voluntary or professional roles.

We're also keen to hear from people with a variety of skill sets that may play a role in heritage, such as architects, historians, heritage consultants, builders, planners etc.

It is important that the PAG represents a broad range of views that represent the diversity of the community.

It is expected that each member of the PAG contributes meaningfully to meetings in a fair and unbiased manner, looking beyond personal interests for the benefit of the community.

Express your interest now!

a group of people collaborating