Heritage buffs join the conversation

In mid-November members from Castlemaine’s heritage groups and historical societies joined a targeted workshop at Castlemaine Town Hall.

The workshop provided the opportunity for project consultants to connect with some of Castlemaine’s heritage networks, and tap into local knowledge.

The workshop was hosted by Anthony Hemmingway and Patrick Wilson from RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants. They took the participants through the historic themes that were established in the Mount Alexander Shire Thematic History, and the criteria used to establish and justify heritage significance as set out by the State Government.

After tea and biscuits, everyone mingled over maps of Castlemaine to share their local knowledge of heritage gaps.

Participants left with postcards and badges to spread the word about the Hunt for Heritage and the following positive feedback:

"So glad the process is in place – after 40 years!"
" It gives us a sense of hope"
"I was heartened by the spirit of cooperation in the room and the key groups wanting to work together"