Key project information

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is a surveillance system with cameras connected through a closed circuit. CCTV is a tool which is typically used to monitor activity in and around public and private spaces.

The footage taken by the cameras is sent to a recorder. CCTV systems consist of cameras, monitors, recorders, interconnected hardware, and support infrastructure

CCTV cameras act as a deterrent to anti-social behaviour, graffiti, vandalism and other criminal activity, and can make people feel safer. CCTV will be considered alongside other approaches to preventing crime and improving community safety.

Council has three CCTV systems installed in the following public places:

  • Camp Reserve Castlemaine, Table Tennis and Main Pavilion
  • Ray Bradfield Room Castlemaine, facing Victory Park Toilets
  • Bill Woodfull Pavilion, Maldon

We also have limited application CCTV systems installed at the front entrance of the Civic Centre (customer service area) and at the Castlemaine Depot.

We are developing the policy to make sure our approach to the review and approval of CCTV systems is consistent. This means we will use the same process to design, implement, operate and manage any Council CCTV systems.

The policy, as well as public input, will guide decision making around CCTV placement, management, and governance arrangements within Mount Alexander Shire.

Council remains committed to maintaining the privacy of residents and visitor to the shire. We will continue to:

  • Acknowledge people are entitled to a reasonable expectation of privacy when in public places
  • Make sure any use of CCTV systems is aligned with the relevant laws and standards and governed by policies, operating procedures, and agreements
  • Recognise the Information Privacy Principles in the Privacy and Data Protection Act (2014).
  • Restrict access to CCTV systems and data to Delegated Council Officers.
  • Comply with record keeping practices required by the Public Records Office Standards for the management of public records, the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic) and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).

Council has reactive CCTV systems which means any data is stored on securely located recording devices for short periods. This restricts access to data in real time and potential security breaches.

Recorded data can only be used for the purposes of investigating or providing evidence of a law enforcement or public security incident, and will only be kept until the investigation has concluded or otherwise within 7 days.

Victoria Police may make a request to access images, footage or recordings generated by a CCTV system for law enforcement purposes. Such requests will be made in accordance with applicable law.

All images, footage or recordings transferred to Victoria Police will be handled in accordance with Victoria Police policy and the Victorian Protective Data Security Standards under section 86(10) of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

All public requests for images, footage or recordings generated by the CCTV system which are of a non-criminal nature, may be considered in line with Victoria’s Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, Public Records Act 1973, and Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Council will liaise with Victoria Police before responding to such requests.

There are a number of checks and balances in place to ensure that Council appropriately implements the policy.

Council’s Audit and Risk Committee will provide independent risk oversight on Council’s CCTV systems, usage and outcomes.

In addition, any new proposed CCTV systems will be presented to Councillors for consideration through the Council meeting process.

There is also a CCTV Steering Committee, comprised of Council staff and Victoria Police. The committee will oversee the design, implementation, and ongoing management of the CCTV systems.

These measures have been established in line with recommendations from the Department of Justice and Community Safety.

We want to better understand how the community feels about Council using CCTV systems. Feedback will be compiled and considered alongside the CCTV policy as we consider any future installations of CCTV systems on a case by case basis.

All other individual data we collect and hold falls under Council’s Privacy and Data Protection Policy (2019). This policy sets out our commitment to the protection of an individual’s privacy, and covers all personal information we hold that is collected through your interaction with Council or from third parties. The Policy describes how data is used, disclosed, data security and how unique identifiers are assigned.