Where Semi Rural applies:

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Preferred Character Statement - Semi Rural

Dwellings are sited on moderate to large lots that accommodate a mixture of species, and vast open lawns. New development provides generous front and side setbacks to allow for the retention and continued planting of large trees and open lawns.

New development reflects the low scale of dwellings with verandahs and/or wide eaves, using simple building forms and low-pitched roof forms. Sometimes housing is a large suburban style rather than the typical semi-rural horizontal dwelling form. Dwellings are not higher than the existing tree canopy but are visible from the street. Dwellings utilise natural materials and colours to reflect the natural surrounding environment and vegetated landscape setting. The streetscapes feature an informal character which embraces roadside vegetation and wide grassy verges.

Garages, carports and outbuildings are hidden from view, often located behind the line of the front dwelling façade and are integrated with the design of the dwelling. Open, post and wire or post and rail front fencing creates a low and permeable streetscape enabling vegetation to flow across the semi-rural landscape. The visual dominance of outbuildings will be minimised by appropriate landscaping around its footprint.

Housing change will be minimal in semi-rural areas to ensure the transition between urban and rural areas, and housing types will be focused on single dwellings, and dual occupancies on large sites.