Have you enjoyed our pools this summer?

Our 2024-2025 outdoor pool season is nearly over and it's time to reflect on this period. We do this by conducting a customer satisfaction survey at the end of each season.

Our four pools are managed and operated by YMCA Victoria and are located in Castlemaine, Harcourt, Maldon and Newstead.

We are asking pool visitors in the 2024-2025 pool season to fill out an independent survey so we can find out what is working well at our pools, and to identify areas for improvement - so are keen to know what you think!

How to fill out the survey?

  • Take the below online survey - by 31 March 2025
  • Fill out a survey from a pool kiosk at Castlemaine, Harcourt, Maldon or Newstead pools - by 10 March 2025