
Camp Reserve update

7 February 2024

Thank you for your ongoing interest in the Camp Reserve redevelopment project


Council is currently preparing a planning permit to implement designs to develop a new pavilion and netball/multipurpose courts at Camp Reserve.

As part of the planning permit preparation process, Council continues to receive technical reports on the site’s acoustics, arboriculture, flood and bushfire risk, heritage and cultural heritage, geotechnical and feature surveys and traffic management.

Preliminarily investigations into trees on the southwest side of Camp Reserve recommends Council restricting access around the bases of the two red river gums and laying mulch at the base of the trees. Temporary fencing will be installed around these trees. In addition, recent tree assessments for other areas of the reserve include recommendations to improve tree growing conditions and restrict car parking under the oak trees inside the reserve fencing along Gingell Street. Contractors will lay mulch under these trees and visitors to the reserve will be asked not to park under the trees to protect their health.

Contractors will be on-site over the coming week to undertake these works, which are anticipated to be completed within one week (weather permitting).

While works are underway access to Camp Reserve will remain; however, there may be some minor traffic management in place for public safety.

Local residents to the reserve may notice some activity on site while these investigations and mulching works are underway. No external upgrade works are planned for Camp Reserve ahead of the planning permit assessment.

Change facility improvements

Council has recently undertaken works in the existing football/cricket change rooms at the reserve. These works included new universal bathrooms, with painting and new flooring to be completed by mid-February.

Council has also completed some upgrade works in the netball clubrooms, including painting and kitchen and bathroom cabinetry.

These works are funded by the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCI) and Council. The LRCI Program supports local councils to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects across the nation, supporting jobs and delivering benefits to local communities.

Next project update

The next project update will be provided in March 2024.