
Camp Reserve update

18 June 2024

Thank you for your ongoing interest in the Camp Reserve redevelopment project.

Archaeological investigation to begin at Camp Reserve

Council is currently preparing a planning permit application to develop a new pavilion and netball/multipurpose courts at Camp Reserve.

As part of that process, preparations are underway for an archaeological investigation at the site, which will begin on Tuesday 25 June.

Why conduct an archaeological investigation at Camp Reserve?

Camp Reserve is listed on the Victorian Heritage Inventory, as the site has potential archaeological values. Because of this, before any works can be undertaken by Council, an archaeological investigation is required. This will provide more information about the site’s history and significance.

Focus area for investigation

Council is working in partnership with Heritage Victoria and GML Heritage (archaeologists) on the upcoming investigation, which will take place in the southern area of the reserve (along Forest Street).

It is believed that this area may have been where buildings were located during the time of the Government Camp in the 1850s (Note: area marked with blue hash on the below map is the investigation site).

What is involved in the investigation?

The program of works will excavate to a maximum depth of 300-400mm to investigate if any historical artefacts are located within this zone.

It’s anticipated the investigation will take three days, starting on Tuesday 25 June and conclude on Friday 28 June.

If significant historical material is found, this may extend the archaeological dig program.

What are the impacts on the reserve during the investigation?

Normal activities such as sport and informal recreation are able to take place during this period.

The area of interest (southern portion of reserve) will be fenced off during the archaeological dig. This will ensure site safety for workers and members of the public as there will be exposed areas in the ground.

What if something of significance is found?

Should any significant archaeological deposits or feature be identified, these will remain undisturbed as part of this excavation until discussed with Heritage Victoria.

It will then be decided if these areas would then be fully excavated by archaeologists to allow for their investigation and recording.

It should be noted that these investigative works are not intended to harm any heritage artefacts should they be uncovered. The utmost care will be undertaken by the experts who have been contracted to undertake the works.

Community briefing session

A briefing session with an archaeologist from GML Heritage, Council officers and a representative from Heritage Victoria will take place on-site at Camp Reserve on Friday 28 June at 2.00pm.

This session will provide a briefing on what has been found during the investigation, and is an opportunity for you to ask questions about the process.

Got any questions?

Contact Council’s Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities team on 5471 1700 or email

Next project update

The next project update will be provided in August 2024.

Background information

  • In September 2020, Councillors endorsed a master plan for Camp Reserve.
  • Stage 1 of the master plan is the development of a new centralised pavilion and two new netball/multipurpose courts at the southern end of the reserve.
  • In February 2023, Councillors resolved to support designs for the new pavilion and two netball/multipurpose courts.