
Camp Reserve update

17 July 2024

Thank you for your ongoing interest in the Camp Reserve redevelopment project.

Archaeological investigation continues at Camp Reserve

Council is undertaking archaeological investigations at Camp Reserve to provide information for a planning permit application for upgrades to the reserve.

The investigations started on Tuesday 25 June, and will continue until Friday 19 July (weather permitting).

They are being conducted in partnership with GML Heritage (archaeologists), and Heritage Victoria.

A community information session was held on Friday 28 June which provided community members with an opportunity to ask questions from the heritage experts undertaking the investigation.

Image of dug up dirt.

Image: Archeological dig at the southern section of Camp Reserve in Castlemaine.

Next steps

When archaeologists have completed their investigations at the reserve, they will prepare a report on their findings, with the results provided to Council officers.

An update will be provided to the community on any findings.

Got any questions?

Contact Council’s Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities team on 5471 1700 or email

Next project update

The next project update will be provided in August 2024.

Background information

  • In September 2020, Councillors endorsed a master plan for Camp Reserve.
  • Stage 1 of the master plan is the development of a new centralised pavilion and two new netball/multipurpose courts at the southern end of the reserve.
  • In February 2023, Councillors resolved to support designs for the new pavilion and two netball/multipurpose courts.