
December 2024 update

19 December 2024

Thank you for your ongoing interest in the Camp Reserve redevelopment project.


We are finalising all the technical reports required to submit a planning permit application for construction of new netball/multipurpose courts and pavilion, as per the adopted Master Plan.

The planning permit will be ready to submit in early 2025.

Archaeological Update

In August 2024 we conducted archaeological investigations on parts of the site in partnership with GML Heritage (archaeologists) and Heritage Victoria.

As part of the investigation process, the findings were presented to Heritage Victoria. While the report is in the final stages of assessment we cannot to publish the full findings. however we can confirm:

  • Findings are inconclusive. There were some remains of what could be a stone hearth and also a number of post holes. The purpose of the post holes is yet to be determined, however anecdotal information describes the post holes relating to horse posts associated with Agricultural Show activities.
  • Approximately 1200 artefacts were found and have been assessed. The majority of the artefacts recovered were from the 20th Century and have low significance for their capacity to reveal information about Gold Rush era settlement within Castlemaine.
  • Once the report has been accepted by Heritage Victoria it will be submitted with the planning permit application.
  • Council will not be undertaking any further archaeological investigation at this time.

Tree Works

Tree maintenance works scheduled for September and October are now complete.

We worked on elms and oaks within the reserve, as well as on the avenue of elms on Gingell Street. We know the trees are valued by the community and the works will help to improve tree and soil health to trees. Near the reserve's Forest Street entrance we replaced the temporary picket fence with a permanent bollard and chain fence around the River Red Gum trees. We continue to restrict access to this area to protect the root zone of these trees.

Got any questions?

Contact Council’s Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities team on 5471 1700 or email

Background information

  • In September 2020 Councillors endorsed a master plan for Camp Reserve.
  • Stage 1 of the master plan is the development of a new centralised pavilion and two new netball/multipurpose courts at the southern end of the reserve.
  • In February 2023 Councillors resolved to support designs for the new pavilion and two netball/multipurpose courts.