
Council land to be leased to Wintringham Housing for affordable rental homes

7 February 2024

In December 2023, Councillors unanimously agreed on a proposal to allocate leases on two parcels of Council land in Maldon and Newstead for the purposes of affordable housing.

Under the plan, Council will lease land at 10 Steele Street, Maldon and 2A Canrobert Street, Newstead to Wintringham Housing to build and provide long-term, affordable rental housing for older shire residents on the Victorian Housing Register’s priority waitlist.

Wintringham Housing have a long history of providing well-designed and secure housing for people over 50 years of age who are on the Victorian Housing Register priority waitlist.

The decision by Councillors was made following an extensive community consultation period.

This involved face-to-face meetings with community groups and stakeholder organisations, community information sessions, and an online and hardcopy survey.

  • 85% said yes

    Yes, I support Mount Alexander Shire Council providing 49-year leases at peppercorn rates to Wintringham Housing Limited to deliver affordable housing on 10 Steele Street, Maldon and 2A Canrobert Street, Newstead.

  • 15% said no

    No, I do not support Mount Alexander Shire Council providing 49-year leases at peppercorn rates to Wintringham Housing Limited to deliver affordable housing on 10 Steele Street, Maldon and 2A Canrobert Street, Newstead.

What's next?

Wintringham Housing are exploring funding opportunities to support the provision of affordable housing at the nominated locations in Maldon and Newstead.

If successful in obtaining funding, Wintringham Housing will engage closely with both communities in the design process.

Follow the Shape 'Let's talk about affordable housing' page for further updates.