Affordable housing news

Keep up to date with what's happening in the affordable housing space as we work to address this shire-wide issue

What is Council doing?

We have outlined our commitment We are committed to addressing the challenge of affordable housing is embedded in the Council Plan 2021-2025.

We continue to advocate for, and explore opportunities to make more affordable homes available for people in Mount Alexander Shire. Opportunities are mostly large-scale and longer-term activities that will take time to come to fruition.

Key responses to date

What can you do?

We know you are also keen to help.

We continue to research the effective and innovative housing affordability solutions being developed across Victoria and Australia.

We have outlined key community contribution ideas below. We are keen to hear your thoughts, so please check out each idea and then complete the online survey to let us know if any of them might work for you.

We are doing this work to gauge how interested and able our community is in contributing to making housing more affordable across our shire.

Community contribution ideas

Immediate help

Support for people in housing crisis

If you need assistance to complete a priority application for housing, please visit the Castlemaine Housing Service at Spencely House, Castlemaine Health, or phone 5479 1000.

If you need affordable housing but may not be in acute housing crisis we encourage you to add your name to the Victorian Housing Register (VHR).

The VHR is how the State Government determines housing requirements in our local community. By adding your name to the register, we can help build a case for more affordable housing in the region.