
Feedback summary released

2 August 2023

Thank you to everyone for participating in Stage 1 consultation as we develop a Housing Strategy for Maldon and Newstead.

Over 300 people participated by through drop-in sessions, an online survey, an online mapping exercise, online and in-person meetings. or by submitting their thoughts by email, post or telephone.

It was a great response to our Issues and Opportunities Paper and we thank you. The consultation activities and what the community told us are documented in the Community Feedback Summary.

Key themes included:

  • More small scale housing is needed for older residents, and single and couple households
  • New housing should be close to services and facilities, to encourage healthy lifestyles and to reduce impacts on the natural environment
  • Respecting our heritage and rural character
  • Housing affordability
  • Considering flood and bushfire risks
  • The need for environmental sustainability
  • Enhancing our natural environment and biodiversity
  • Considering infrastructure planning and coordination, including the need for improved public transport.

Visit the Shape page for more information or read the Community Feedback Summary.

an image building blocks that together say thank you for your feedback