Victoria's Housing Statement & Plan for Victoria

In September 2023, the State government released Victoria's Housing Statement, and in June 2024, they drafted State-wide Housing Targets.

In 2025, Plan for Victoria was released which includes the final housing targets for each Council area. Mount Alexander's housing target is +4,500 homes by 2051.

Council officers are working on a draft strategy based on the State's guidance, once the draft is ready, we'll ask the community for feedback.

There are 328 lots available in Maldon and 206 lots in Newstead (from 2021 to 2041), which should last for 53 and 43 years respectively. Because of this, we don't expect the new draft housing targets to greatly affect the overall strategy.

What's next?

The feedback heard in 2023 will be used to inform the development of the draft strategy, which will be released in 2025.

Please follow this page for project updates.

Who's Listening?

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Strategic Planning team
Phone (03) 5471 1700
In writing

Attention: Strategic Planning team

Mount Alexander Shire Council
PO Box 185,
Castlemaine, VIC 3450