Affordable housing one step closer

Councillors have voted to establish the Mount Alexander Affordable Housing Trust (MAAHT).

MAAHT is an independent charitable organisation that will hold land and funds for the development of local affordable housing. Council is proud to allocate $500K from the 2024-2025 Budget to the trust.


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A charitable trust is a type of trust established to hold assets for charitable purposes.

Charitable trusts are established under the “advancement of social or public welfare.”

Charitable trusts are exempt from income tax. In addition, any assets donated are exempt from income tax.

In this case, all content of the Mount Alexander Affordable Housing Trust belongs to the Mount Alexander shire community, for the sole purpose of responding to the affordable housing needs of the local community.

The MAAHT allows for:

  • Local solutions with local resources
  • The community to be part of creating and managing solutions
  • Sustainable solutions that the whole community is invested in
  • An independent charitable organisation in the shire that is solely focused on addressing local affordable housing needs

It is a good option for Mount Alexander Shire because:

  • Our community cares, wants to take-action, and is generous
  • We can’t control when and how we might receive any government funding, but we can control how we raise the funds as a community
  • MAAHT funding is not tied to specific demographics (for example, older people, or families experiencing violence). All housing needs will be considered and the community can have a say on how funding is used.

The trust will operate independently of Council and be overseen by a trustee, and informed by an advisory committee.

Capital raised in the trust through tax-deductible donations of land and money will be used to develop and build affordable homes in Mount Alexander Shire.

Unlike the way the current housing market works, homes purchased or built through the trust will remain affordable, forever.

The trust will partner with not-for-profit housing organisations who will then deliver and manage affordable housing on trust land.

Residents eligible for housing through the trust would include (but are not limited to), the following people:

  • Residents experiencing family violence
  • Residents living with disabilities
  • Ageing residents
  • First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse people
  • Residents with health issues
  • Residents struggling to afford private market housing, including employed people and young people.

Council has invested in the foundational work to get the Trust ready to establish.

Community involvement is critical to successfully establish and fundraise for the Trust.

At this stage we'll especially need community support to:

  • Spread the word
  • Recruit Advisory Committee members
  • Support the Advisory Committee in its fundraising efforts
  • Contribute land or funds to the Trust.

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Clare Richards

Mount Alexander Shire Council Housing Solutions Broker

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