
How your feedback impacted the Draft Waste Strategy

15 December 2023

We thank all community members who provided feedback on the draft Waste Strategy in July this year.

Council adopted the Waste Strategy 2023 - 2033 in November this year. Learn more about the strategy and its contents in the media release on our website.

We also want to let you know what feedback we received, and how it impacted the final strategy.

Feedback summary

Feedback on the draft strategy was largely positive with 77% of respondents agreeing the strategy was a good guiding document. Feedback included the following responses:

The 77% of positive respondents also offered the following key areas of feedback:

  • Consider the community's growing desire for expanded or improved services concerning resale/repair shops,
  • The benefit of working with community groups,
  • The importance of community education
  • A passion to expand the scope of materials recovered for reuse or recycling.

What we changed in the draft strategy due to community feedback

A recurring theme called for greater clarity throughout the document, and a stronger commitment to the actions and goals.

This resulted in minor changes to the strategy that included:

  • We clarified the language used to describe the strategy's goals and focus areas - removing lingo where possible.
  • We improved the definition of Council's scope when it comes to the circular economy focus and kerbside bin collection reform that is being driven by the Victorian Government.
  • We edited several actions to clarify what we aim to achieve and how actions will be measured.
A rubbish truck unloading garbage at the Castlemaine Transfer Station