Updating heritage protections

The Castlemaine Heritage Study will identify, assess and protect places and objects that are significant to the history and development of our shire and Victoria.

Delivered in stages, the study is part of our ongoing Council Plan work to 'maintain, improve and celebrate our places and spaces.'

Our passionate community will be consulted wherever possible - read more about Stage 1 consultation on this page.

Implementation (after stage 3)

Following stage 3, we will commence work on preparing for a planning scheme amendment to implement the project. This will include detailed assessments of places and precincts identified in stages 1 and 2 to inform the preparation of citations and statements of significance.

Stage 3 - current

Stage 3 involves developing a 'Future Directions report' which will guide the future implementation of the project. This will include reviewing the outcomes from stages 1 and 2 to recommend a pathway forward for implementation, via a planning scheme amendment to apply (and update, where required) the heritage overlay in Castlemaine.

Following stage 3, work will commence on preparing for a planning scheme amendment, including having citations and statements of significance prepared.

Stage 2 - complete

Stage 2 of the project involved reviewing the existing heritage overlays in Castlemaine, and was completed earlier this year.

Stage 1 - complete

The "Hunt for Heritage"

In late 2022 we embarked on stage 1 consultation. Stage 1 involved identifying gaps in our current heritage protection. We invited stakeholders and the broader community to join in a ‘Hunt for Heritage’.

During this time we asked the community to let us know about significant places that are not currently protected for their heritage.

Read the consultation summary report.

Who's listening?

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Ursula Van Dyk
Phone 03 5471 1700
Email strategicplanning@mountalexander.vic.gov.au